Wine travel to Irpinia, Ilaria Petitto interview – the Consorzio, producers and wine!

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#Irpinia #ConsorzioIrpinia #Campania #Taurasi #Fiano
Welcome to Wine travel to Irpinia, Ilaria Petitto interview – the Consorzio, producers and wine! – another episode of On The Road Edition hosted by Stevie Kim. This episode was recorded in Campania, specifically in the Irpinia area of the province of Avellino. In this beautiful place, called Green Irpinia because it is surrounded by hills, mountains and forests, Stevie meets Ilaria Petitto, vice-president of the Consorzio Tutela Vini. Ilaria Petitto tells Stevie about the beauty of this area where quality wines are produced between 400 and 800 metres above sea level. Then Stevie discovers the characteristics of the three Iripiania wines, which are produced from the three grape varieties Fiano, Greco di Tufo and Aglianico from which Taurasi is made. Finally, Ilaria Petitto explains the next objectives of the Consortium that counts more then 500 associated. One of the objectives is to make known the beautiful Irpinia area, to promote a different side of Campania to tourists that is more than a beautiful coastline.

The Consortium “Tutela dei Vini dell’Irpinia” was established as a voluntary, non-profit association, on 2003. Less than 50 kilometres from Naples, thanks to the conformation of its territory, Irpinia is a land devoted to the production of fine wines. The peculiar orography of the territory results in particular microclimates, varying from area to area, which allow different types of wines to be produced. In fact, Irpinia, today, is the province in Campania with the highest concentration of vineyards and can boast the presence of three DOCG wines: Taurasi, Greco di Tufo and Fiano di Avellino. The mission of the Consortium is to protect and enhance these wines, vine products, vineyards of Irpinia as a a national cultural heritage.

To learn more about Consorzio “Tutela dei Vini dell’Irpinia” visit:

More about the host Stevie Kim: Stevie hosts Clubhouse sessions each week (visit Italian Wine Club & Wine Business on Clubhouse), these recorded sessions are then released on the podcast to immortalize them! She often also joins Professor Scienza in his shows to lend a hand keeping our Professor in check! You can also find her taking a hit for the team when she goes “On the Road”, all over the Italian countryside, visiting wineries and interviewing producers, enjoying their best food and wine – all in the name of bringing us great Pods!

To find out more about Stevie Kim visit: Facebook: @steviekim222 Instagram: @steviekim222 Website:

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Until next time, Cin Cin!

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