Red Wine Poached Pears (Passover Recipe) | BAO’s Cookbook

Wine Recipes
A passover recipe which has roots in traditional Chinese culture – red wine poached pears. Pear is considered a herbal medicine in ancient China and it’s usually used as a home remedy for cough relief. It’s easy to cook and can be prepared couple days before serving. This dessert is rick in flavors: a perfect combination of wine’s light sour & bitter taste and pears fruity sweetness.

Bosc pears are used in this recipe, but conference pears will do too. Choose ripe pears with medium softness. Beaujolais wine is used here since it tends to have lower tannin concentrations, giving them a fruitier, fresher flavor. After remove the pears, boil the wine until syrupy. Doesn’t need to be really thick, it just needs to give a consistent coating on pot wall. Keep good ventilation while cooking wine. Inhale wine steam could make you drunk too. Be sure to give it a try and you will be amazed by the result. Leave a comment and subscribe if you enjoy this video.

Check more Asian Fusion Recipes in this playlist:


Beef Cubes for Stew (4 cups)
White Radish (6-8 inches)
Matzo Meal (1 cup)
Dill Cilantro
Green Onion
Bay Leave
Chicken Fat (4 tbsp)
Baking Powder (1/4 tbsp)
3 Eggs
2 Chinese Cinnamon Sticks
White Pepper
Seltzer Water (3/4 cup)


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