Waking up with Bell’s Palsy: Winemaker Adam Lee of Siduri

Waking up with Bell’s Palsy: Winemaker Adam Lee of Siduri wines had concerns that he had perhaps had a stroke and quickly went to the emergency room. Bell’s Palsy was diagnosed and he has been recovering slowly over the six weeks between when he was afflicted and when this was filmed.

From the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke

“What are the Symptoms?

Because the facial nerve has so many functions and is so complex, damage to the nerve or a disruption in its function can lead to many problems. Symptoms of Bell’s palsy can vary from person to person and range in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis. These symptoms may include twitching, weakness, or paralysis on one or rarely both sides of the face. Other symptoms may include drooping of the eyelid and corner of the mouth, drooling, dryness of the eye or mouth, impairment of taste, and excessive tearing in one eye. Most often these symptoms, which usually begin suddenly and reach their peak within 48 hours, lead to significant facial distortion.

Other symptoms may include pain or discomfort around the jaw and behind the ear, ringing in one or both ears, headache, loss of taste, hypersensitivity to sound on the affected side, impaired speech, dizziness, and difficulty eating or drinking.”

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