Top 10 Wines France is Famous For? The Best French Wine Regions – Part.1

Learn more, Watch the video about What makes French wine special:

You all know by now that France is extremely reputable for the quality of its wines. I made an entire video dedicated to why French wines are, generally-speaking so good and about the factors that have made it so special in the world, and that have made it what it is today. You’re obviously welcome to watch it after hearing which are the best French wine regions. I’ll link to it at the end of this video as well as in the video description.
Also, if you like learning about what you’re drinking, primarily wine here, consider subscribing to my channel to follow along the journey of what I call Julien’s Wine School.
But for now, let’s focus on the Top 10 Best French wine regions, those wine countries that have all wine lovers around the world dreaming about beautiful landscapes, stunning castles and succulent wines.
This is part 1 of a 3-part series where we first look at the 10 best wine regions, then we’ll look at the 10 best French wine grapes (like Chardonnay, Cabernet and the others), before digging into the 10 best most admired wineries in France.
Savoie & Jura
Languedoc Roussillon
Loire Valley
Rhône Valley


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