Home Made Red Wine Recipe using Fresh Black Grapes!

Wine Recipes
Red Wine Recipe made out of fresh Black Grapes – How it is made at Home

Vintage and Wine is the best combination. And, nothing like red wine. The juicy flavor of grapes down the throat with a kick, how do you feel right now? Wanna grab a sip? Or, let’s just make wine at home and keep it stocked up whenever you feel the same way. Watch the video; it’ll help you make some.


250 grams Black grapes
50 grams Sugar
1 tsp Yeast
1 litre Water


In a big bowl, put black grapes.
Squeeze them well.
Add sugar and yeast.
Add 1 litre water.
Mix until sugar is completely dissolved.
Place this mixture in an air tight container.
** To ferment, keep aside for 3 weeks.

Special tips:

The container and the bowl should be washed thoroughly before use.
The container having the mixture should be stored in a dark place.
Strain out the mixture before serving.

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