Mulled Wine Recipe by Ms. Samantha Kochhar!

Wine Recipes
Mulled wine originated in the 2nd century. It was created by the Romans to defend their bodies against the cold winters. From generations to generations, it is believed to promote health and avoid sickness.
For a pour-fect Christmas evening, Ms. Samantha Kochhar shares her grandmother’s recipe for Mulled Wine.

750 ml dry red wine
1 orange sliced
8 whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
4 tbsp honey/sugar/ maple syrup
1/2 tbsp brandy (optional)

1. Heat the pot & add wine, orange slice, spices and preferred sweetener into a pot. Stir briefly.
2. Simmer for 15 minutes and switch off. Add brandy.
3. Strain the wine into a glass. Adjust sweetness according to your preference.
4. Serve it warm and garnish with a slice of orange.

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