How to make Grape Wine at Home ? Grape Wine Recipe

Wine Recipes
Are you on the look out to know how to make homemade wine? Then here is a simple recipe for homemade grape wine. Farm Food Factory has listed out step by step guide to make wine at home from grapes. This wine making video is especially for those who thought that grape wine making is a complicated process. All wine lovers should watch this easy wine making video.
A wine lover believes that a separate ‘World of Wine’ exists. But for a beginner, the world of wine can seem completely overwhelming. Did you know that wine is one of the most diverse and complex and nuanced drinks in the world? Understanding wine takes a lot of time and needs lot of wine taste testing. There is saying which every wine lover is aware of –“The older the wine, better”. It is believed that Wine improves with age.
For those who do not know, there are many types of wine. Wine is made from Apple, Pineapple, Rice etc. But nothing can beat grape wine. Believe it or not there are thousands of varieties of grape wine in the world. There are many countries that are known for wine with France and Italy being the largest producer of wine in the world.
It will be surprising to know that India’s wine making history dates back to Indus Valley Civilization, the oldest in the world. During Ancient times, wine was referred to as Somarasa. Also in the Ayurvedic texts there is reference to wine. Called as Drakshasava, wine in those days were prepared using red grapes, cinnamon, cardamom, vidanga, black pepper, pippali and contained natural alchol.
Winemaking existed across India from long but gained momentum after the advent of Portuguese and the British.
Goa is famous for wine. Port wine and Golkonda wine is one of the most sought after wines. Bangalore blue grapes is famous for making wine. Wine yards at Chikkaballapur, Hoskote, Kolar, Devanahalli and Vijayapura are famous. Farmers major income is growing wine.
Also wine consumption has lot of health benefits. Grape being a great antioxidant is good for heart, protects our skin from ageing, reduces risk of stroke attack and many more.
Now, enough of wine history and health benefits of wine. Watch the simple grape wine making video from Farm Food Factory and relax yourself.
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