Honeydew Melon Wine Recipe | Easy Home Brew Wine Recipes

Wine Recipes
In this recipe, I will show you how to make wine from honeydew melons. The recipe is quite simple and if you’ve followed my other recipes you’ll find this one just as easy as the others. When the wine finished fermenting I had a taste and thought I needed a little sugar and was a bit dry. It wasn’t the best homebrew wine recipe I’ve made but wasn’t bad, you might like it 🙂

You can visit our website to see the full instructions and more wine recipes.

Ingredients to make 1 gallon of wine:
2 – 3 honeydew melons
250 g sultans
1 kg of sugar
1 cup of black tea (tannin)
juice of 1 lemon (citric acid)
1 tsp pectolase
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast

How to make honeydew melon wine:

First, chop the sultanas up finely and add them to your fermentation bucket.

Cut the melons into slices and remove the seeds. Now chop the melon into small chunks and add the bucket.

Next add the 1 kg of sugar, 1 cup of black tea, 2 pints of boiling water over the melons, and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Top up with 6 pints of boiling water, stir in well and leave until the mixture is at room temperature.

Once the mixture is at room temperature, add the rest of the ingredients (lemon juice, pectolase, yeast nutrient, yeast) and mix in well.

Fasten the lid on your bucket and leave to ferment for 3 days.

After 3 days strain off the wine using a straining bag and discard the melons. Leave the wine to ferment for another 7 days or until the wine has stopped bubbling.

Finally, once fermentation is complete syphon off your wine into a clean jar or bottles.

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