A Global Collaboration: A Live Chat with Sarah Jessica Parker


Sarah Jessica Parker’s professional wine journey started in 2018, shortly after connecting with New Zealand winemaking duo Rob Cameron and Tim Lightbourne of Invivo Wines. Before long, their collaboration edged its way into Wine Spectator‘s Top 100 Wines of 2020. In the latest episode of Straight Talk with Wine Spectator, Parker spoke with senior editor MaryAnn Worobiec about gaining confidence in wine, launching a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and French rosé and finding a common language with winemakers.

Parker’s wine education started at the local level. She says that as she traveled to Europe with fellow actors, including her now-husband Matthew Broderick, the more she tried local wines from small communities recommended by waiters. “We would save labels and come home and try to find it in this country,” Parker recalled. “In doing so, we learned what we liked and felt more confident about ordering wine and developing our own palate.”

When Parker decided to add a wine endeavor to her growing list of ventures, she wanted her Marlborough label to speak to the seriousness of the wine. “When I got a call from Tim and Rob at Invivo, I didn’t think I was equipped to be in a partnership because I still had ideas of generations of families making wine,” Parker said. “I was confounded by the opportunity, but seriously curious because of our love for wine.”

Parker described the origins of the bottle label and how she used teal paint to recreate the “X” (an ode to her signature) with her right pinky. She blended her debut 2019 Sauvignon Blanc with Cameron and Lightbourne, and recently completed the 2020 vintage blend over Zoom. Parker also released a French rosé last summer.

“Tim and Rob have shared as much information as I can absorb about the business, how they function and the importance of the Marlborough region,” she said. “I’ve learned a huge amount about Sauvignon Blanc and it’s been a remarkable experience, but also hugely informative.”

Watch the full episode with Parker on Wine Spectator’s IGTV channel, and tune in to catch Straight Talk with Wine Spectator every week. On March 10, senior editor Alison Napjus will chat with Sicilian winemaker Alberto Aiello Graci. And on March 17, news editor Mitch Frank will talk to Siduri co-founder Adam Lee.

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