Tasting Bootleg vs. “Real” Wines

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🡇 ————— accreditation ————— 🡇
“Obviously it’s not really delicious like hot chocolate or coke, but for wine [chef’s kiss] brilliant!” – Jeremy Usborne
Table of Contents
0:00 intro
1:49 sommelier cory lists the specials
3:06 tasting commences
8:23 the reveal
12:59 roman ad
13:56 cta
Making Pruno (Prison Wine That Can Kill You)

How to Make Your Own Mead

Music used in this video:
“Lurkin” by baaskat
“Sleepyface” by Birocratic
“First Lights” by Tesk

“Citrine” by Toonorth
“Flourish” by Axian
“Moonlove” Funk by Cullah
“Seasons Change” by Axian
Most of the music from the show: http://bit.ly/mrspotify
Post-production powered by Doghouse Systems

Modern Rogue

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This video was made with the help of:
Brian Brushwood – host — https://twitter.com/shwood
Jason Murphy – host — https://www.jasonsmurphy.com – https://instagram.com/captainmurphy
Bryce Castillo – camera operator (ep) — https://twitter.com/brycas
John Rael – editing supervisor / camera operator (ep) — https://twitter.com/SkepticallyPwnd
Annaliese Martin – live audio engineer (ep) / copy editor — https://twitter.com/amuseliese
Cory Cranfill – guest (ep) — https://twitter.com/ccranfill
Heather Gardner – editor — https://twitter.com/BurlesqueBaker
Rex Williams – guest — https://whiskeytribe.com
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Modern Rogue
539 W. Commerce #1975, Dallas TX 75208
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