Wines of Sicily DOC – Sponsored Class Part 2: The History, Culture and People of Sicily

Wine Types
This is the second of two FREE seminars on the Wines of Sicily, sponsored by the Sicilia DOC appellation.

Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean and the best for agriculture, has historically been coveted and has seen the influences of a multitude of cultures including the Greeks, Byzantines, Spanish, and Romans. Its identity has become uniquely its own, and the modern era of wine, which represents a renaissance of sorts, reflects the diversity of cultural influences and terroir, as well as the spirit of its winemakers who have elevated the wines to greatness. The Sicilia DOC is a hotbed of wine innovation and tradition (a paradox, but it’s true!) that is only just showing the world what it has to offer.

This is a recording of the second session on March 3, 2022 at 8 PM Eastern Time about history, culture, and wines of this stunning, historic island, most of which is covered by the Sicilia DOC.

In this seminar we discussed the history of Sicily and how the human influences over the centuries have shaped the wines and wine culture as it is today.

We talked about the cultural side of Sicily, and how the drive for improvement and renewal of the wine culture led to a few key people working to transform the image of Sicily and ultimately making the Sicilia DOC to promote the island-wide quality of the wines made here. We get into the beauty of the native grapes, introducing you to your next favorite off-the-beaten track wines:

We will taste (please make sure the appellation is Sicilia DOC):
• Cataratto (a full-flavored white, now called Lucido)
• Zibibbo (a dry aromatic wine, also known as Muscat d’Alessandria)
• Frappato (a light, acidic, sometimes spicy red)

Enjoy and don’t forget to visit for more information on the wines and region and for more information about Wine For Normal People.

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