Traditional Food and Amazing Wines at the Greek Island of Lemnos, e19s2

The Greek island of Lemnos that brings you tears twice, first upon arrival and then upon departure.

A dear friend once told me that Lemnos would evoke such emotions. At first glance, it may not meet one’s expectations of a typical Greek island, with its mainly flat terrain, rocky landscapes, and mountains.

However, as you explore the island and become acquainted with its people, Lemnos reveals its fascinating charm, captivating your heart in the process. The moment of departure becomes another tearful occasion, as you bid farewell to the island, vowing to return soon.

During my visit, I learned about a charming tavern named Flomari on the northeastern side of the island, nestled along Gomati Beach. To reach it, you must travel 2 kilometers past the intersection towards the Sand Dunes, the only “desert” in Europe.

Catzigeorgiou family winnery is well known for their excellent Limnios wines.

filmed and edited by Tony Kavaliero
edited on @FilmoraWondershare
Music by @FesliyanStudios

Flomari Tavern: Gomati Beach, Limnos 814 01, Greece
for visiting Lemnos information, write to:

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